Antiques News & Fairs
all about antiques design & fairs since 1998

July 2024: ANTIQUES NEWS & FAIRS is moving to a new home at The House Directory - where antiques meet interior design!  A new and exciting collaboration aligning our 2 brands for a wider reach.  Stay tuned for more news!

ANF News

Ronati - Write Winning Product Descriptions

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions


ANF brings dealers another slice of help from our colleagues over at Ronati

Write Winning Product Descriptions

Writing winning product descriptions can make a sale. We hope this is helpful and would love to help you sell more online! Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more tips and sign up for our eCommerce Manager’s waitlist here!

Dealers are increasingly looking to online sales for their businesses. An important aspect of making those sales is writing compelling product descriptions.

We’ve pulled together some valuable tips from top online marketers that will help you generate more sales online.

1.The Voice

Finding your voice means finding the tone that matches your personality and how you want the reader to feel about your products. It’s best to know your primary buyer, who they are and how they would read your listing. If you’re not sure how to translate your voice into writing, experts suggest describing your product aloud into your phone, using the Note or Text application.

2. Mobile

More than 50 percent of traffic comes from mobile devices. That means shoppers are more likely to experience  your listings on a small screen – probably checking their social media accounts, texting friends and scanning their email inboxes, as well.

As a result, it’s more important than ever to create descriptions that are concise and memorable.

3. Tell the Story

Because you are dealing with incredible items with a story and provenance, tell the story to pull your buyers in! The story each piece has is what makes it unique, and one of a kind. Tell your buyer why they must have it!

Online Resources to Help You Sell Online

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions

Wordstream is one of the most effective online advertising agencies, with a top blog full of tips and tricks… Bookmark this one!

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions
And for specific advise about selling antiques online here is good read from Flea Marketing Insiders.

One of our favorite copywriters online is Neil Patel. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, and Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers.

Read how the great writers think through catchy phrasing and story-telling here.

Remember Your Focus

Remember, focus on your reader. Show your readers you care. Explain what your beautiful objects will do for them and how they will feel. Let your readers imagine what it’s like to have your beautiful pieces in their spaces.

Writing killer product descriptions can make a sale. We hope this is helpful and would love to help you sell more online! Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more tips and sign up for our eCommerce Manager’s waitlist here!

ANF News

Ronati - Write Winning Product Descriptions

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions


ANF brings dealers another slice of help from our colleagues over at Ronati

Write Winning Product Descriptions

Writing winning product descriptions can make a sale. We hope this is helpful and would love to help you sell more online! Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more tips and sign up for our eCommerce Manager’s waitlist here!

Dealers are increasingly looking to online sales for their businesses. An important aspect of making those sales is writing compelling product descriptions.

We’ve pulled together some valuable tips from top online marketers that will help you generate more sales online.

1.The Voice

Finding your voice means finding the tone that matches your personality and how you want the reader to feel about your products. It’s best to know your primary buyer, who they are and how they would read your listing. If you’re not sure how to translate your voice into writing, experts suggest describing your product aloud into your phone, using the Note or Text application.

2. Mobile

More than 50 percent of traffic comes from mobile devices. That means shoppers are more likely to experience  your listings on a small screen – probably checking their social media accounts, texting friends and scanning their email inboxes, as well.

As a result, it’s more important than ever to create descriptions that are concise and memorable.

3. Tell the Story

Because you are dealing with incredible items with a story and provenance, tell the story to pull your buyers in! The story each piece has is what makes it unique, and one of a kind. Tell your buyer why they must have it!

Online Resources to Help You Sell Online

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions

Wordstream is one of the most effective online advertising agencies, with a top blog full of tips and tricks… Bookmark this one!

Antiques News & Fairs - RONATI - Write Winning Product Descriptions
And for specific advise about selling antiques online here is good read from Flea Marketing Insiders.

One of our favorite copywriters online is Neil Patel. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, and Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers.

Read how the great writers think through catchy phrasing and story-telling here.

Remember Your Focus

Remember, focus on your reader. Show your readers you care. Explain what your beautiful objects will do for them and how they will feel. Let your readers imagine what it’s like to have your beautiful pieces in their spaces.

Writing killer product descriptions can make a sale. We hope this is helpful and would love to help you sell more online! Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more tips and sign up for our eCommerce Manager’s waitlist here!